Friday, October 06, 2006

Red is a bad color for heavy corn farmers

For werewolves, it is a full moon. For crazies in Detroit, it's October 30, Devil's Night. The Incredible Hulk went crazy when he ate spinach (or something like that). The good Dr. Jekyll transformed into the evil Mr. Hyde when he had 'vainglorious' thoughts. For me, the one day of the year that I lose complete control is the day that the University of Kansas plays the University of Nebraska. When I see masses of boring people in red with corn emblems, I get angry. The smugness just radiates. And they bring ALL their friends to Lawrence. I never saw a victory over Nebraska in the more than 15 years that I regularly attended football games. We did win last year, but I still hate them.

(Last year, I addressed KU's miraculous win and the many, many, many frustrating losses here.)

I sat down to watch the game in an empty apartment. Serendipitously for my marriage, my fine wife was out with friends for the evening. I really didn't expect a victory, but at least a competitive showing. Nebraska is not so bueno, and KU had impressed me with their talent at the Toledo game, if not in their composure. Ok, they had no composure, and pooped their pants in a very winnable game.

The game started out really well for the Jayhawks. It was actually the worst possible start – true freshman Anthony Webb bit on a double move on the second play of the game and was toasted for about a 75-yard touchdown. I think he may have been a little excited. "Sheesh, they're a lot of people here at this game!" And they all had a good laugh thanks to you Anthony! I think Mr. Webb will be a good player, but sure wasn't on that play.

Then Adam Barman stepped in as the savvy senior leader he is and made sure Webb's mistake didn't kill the Jayhawks. On a very makeable 3rd and 1, he dropped back and threw the ball right to the Nebraska safety. Nicely done. Maybe a little Jon Cornish off-tackle for the yard and the first down, allowing everyone to take a breath and relax a bit would have been nice, but a turnover works well.

After Nebraska went
out and threw some incompletions, they punted and stuck KU at the one. Barman then runs a sneak to get some inches as the Fox sideline reporter George Hamilton reports that Cornish may be injured. So, everything looks really good at that point. Then it gets better! Barman drops back, and throws the ball up in the air for whomever may want to catch it. Nebraska does! And they quickly score.

The game then got really interesting, as you all know. I can sum it up with the following: KU dominates, piles up yards, and scores about every third time they get into the red zone. Nebraska does nothing on offense, but gets two more LONG touchdown passes when our guys look, well, stupid.

Then, overtime, and a loss. My phone is across the room, the chair is on its side and the cushion is nowhere to be found, and the neighbors believe I've killed 3 cats. But no permanent damage! The phone works and the police don't come! All is safe until next year (or until KU craps out in the NCAA tournament - but we're going all the way this year!).

Truly a heartbreaker. Kansas football in a nutshell. Gayle Sayers is turning in his grave. What, he's not dead? What was that Brian's Song all about?

So, KU may be good. Nebraska may suck. We'll see tomorrow. A&M comes to town. I'll say 8-4 and off to the bowl.


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